What is a HACCP system?
A HACCP system is a written management system for food safety and hygiene. It is required of all food handling businesses by law. The management system details the hazards and critical control points specific to your business and the procedures you have in place to manage them.
- A flowchart detailing all of your processes for CCPs (critical control points). You should attach the corresponding procedures for managing these CCPs. We will provide critical control point examples later in this post.
- Hazard control table summarising each hazard.
- Hazard analysis document detailing all relevant information for each CCP.
Together these documents form your food safety manual.

What do you need to do?
To maintain a compliant HACCP system you need to:
- Keep suitable records,
- Review and audit regularly,
- Show examples of activities taken to control hazards and make improvements.
8 critical control point examples to include in your HACCP system
In brief, here are the 8 recommended critical control points you need to manage in your HACCP system. Simply click on the toggle button to see the information for each critical control point.
For each, you will find critical control point examples in the form of common hazards:
Food Purchasing
- Checking suppliers – look at their food production, sourcing and traceability, particularly for raw meats, poultry, etc. Also look at their ability to maintain acceptable HACCP practices.
- Menu creation – go right back down the chain to the original food producers and suppliers,
- Packaged and frozen foods – put processes in place for properly managing labelling, storage and temperature control.
Delivery and Receipt
- Temperature control – you can find out info on safe temperatures here.
- Record keeping – perform delivery checks before signing receipt of delivery.
- Transfer to storage – do this as soon as possible to control food temperatures.
Food Storage
- Containers – keep them clean, covered, dated, and don’t overload them.
- Shelving storage – keep foods in appropriate storage facilities with appropriate wall or floor clearance and anti-pest control,
- Hot, cold and dry storage – segregate these into controlled environments.
Food Production
- Cross contamination and segregation – have separate areas for preparation of foods that should not be cross-contaminated. For example, foods containing allergens, raw and cooked foods, and meats.
- Allergen Management – is more than just segregating foods, it requires separate procedures to be put into place. Allergens can cause severe harm in the form of anaphylaxis and pose a significant risk that needs to be controlled.
- Cooking, reheating and thawing – Again, you should detail your specific procedures for each of these, particularly where temperatures, checks and equipment are concerned.
Service/Display of Food
- Displays – Appropriate, clean facilities should be provided to protect display food. Hot, cold, and frozen displays have their own specific requirements, which should be detailed in your food safety manual. Each should be segregated and regulated.
- Service – Take into consideration self-serve, and staff serving. Ensure appropriate training, labelling (allergen management), and clean equipment is used.
Cleaning and Maintenance
- Cleaning procedures – Follow a 6 step cleaning procedure to ensure thorough hygiene of premises and food preparation areas.
- Cleaning substances and equipment – follow COSHH procedures and risk management, keep all substances away from foods.
- Premises maintenance – maintain premises to a safe and clean standard.
- Waste management and pest control – Do not dispose of foods down drains, dispose of used oils according to procedure. There are specific procedures for managing pest control.
Personal Standards and Hygiene/Staff Training
- Hand washing – thoroughly, when necessary, and using hot water and soap. Cover cuts. Gloves should be changed regularly and aren’t to replace hand washing. Food handling staff must report illness.
- Clothing – wear clean clothing/aprons that are fit for purpose. Keep hair in nets and away from food.
- Training – Must be provided at the right level and by specialist trainers. Keep records and review.
Calibration and Checks
- Testing equipment – must be calibrated, adhere to national standards and be maintained in safe working order.
- Daily checks – performed, recorded, signed and reviewed by manager.
How should you use this information?
This information is only part of the bigger picture. It’s just a suggestion of what you should cover.
Are you creating or reviewing your HACCP system? If you don’t fully understand all of the processes, procedures and CCPs that are covered in a full management system, then we recommend you have a chat to a food safety professional first. This will prevent you from making mistakes and potentially leaving things out.