The ADL Associates Safety Blog
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RIDDOR Legislation Explained
RIDDOR Legislation Explained: Everything You Need To Know About Accident Reporting We wrote previously on the subject of incident management, including accident investigation. This blog post will discuss the process for accident reporting and...

Your Health And Safety Management System
Dusty folders lie forgotten in a broken shelf in the corner of an office. In these folders are safety records and documents. This forgotten shelf holds the secrets to keeping this business and its employees free from potential damage and harm. It holds the...

Creating A Health And Safety Audit Template
Auditors are often represented in fiction as cold and aloof. The wonderfully mysterious Observers from American tv series Fringe are characterised thus: otherworldly men in hats and suits who stand on street corners in pairs. They watch silently from...

Incident Management: A Health & Safety Whodunit
Incident Management: A Health And Safety Whodunit In this blog post we will talk you through the process of investigating a workplace accident or incident. We will use an example accident and take you step by step through the incident...

The Most Common Accidents in the Workplace
How to Avoid Becoming a Health and Safety Headline No one wants to read about health and safety news. Instead, we’ll try and make this article (about recent news) relevant to you, i.e. how your business can avoid becoming another HSE...

Safety Management Review Advice
Getting The Most Out of Your Safety Management Review Why review your safety performance? Right now you have a management system, you have policy and procedures that determine what safety legislation you need to comply...