Fire Risk Assessment Cost vs Quality

What does a fire risk assessment involve?

It’s easy to think that you can go online, find a fire risk assessment template, do a bit of research and undertake a fire risk assessment yourself. Keeps your fire risk assessment cost down, right? Please don’t be fooled into trying this!

Having a competently written fire risk assessment is a legal requirement. As a benchmark for competency, we work to the PAS79 standard. We also always ensure the fire risk assessments are carried out by a consultant with the required knowledge and experience to do so.

A fire risk assessment will generally cover the following areas:

Possible Ignition sources – for example smoking, arson, heating systems and cooking.

Combustible Materials identified – in areas such as housekeeping and cleaning, oxygen sources dangerous substances, and hazards from contractors or building works.

Existing Fire Protection Measures – such as means of escape, limitation of fire development and spread, emergency lighting, signage, fire alarm system, fire-fighting equipment.

Fire Safety Management Arrangements – taking into account provisions for roles and responsibilities, training, record keeping, and testing and maintenance of equipment.

Risk Level and corrective actions – including risk ratings, date for review and action completion deadlines and ownership.

Cost vs Quality – How much does a fire risk assessment cost?

Many ‘cheap and cheerful’ safety consultants will quote your fire risk assessment cost at as little as £200. Be wary of these low quotes.

Fire safety is a very specialist subject. Even a small, seemingly ‘low risk’ office requires extensive checks to be carried out. Each fire risk assessment undertaken to PAS79 takes time and involves a thorough physical inspection of the workplace, backed up by a detailed risk assessment report.

Conversely, you can be quoted up to and above £1,000 for more complex assessments of larger or more ‘high risk’ premises.

At ADL Associates, we can provide you with a written fire risk assessment, including assessment report and corrective action plan from £500 + VAT. Each quote is provided on an individual basis and is determined by your specific needs. All of our fire risk assessments are undertaken by highly qualified and experienced consultants who know exactly what to look for, resulting in efficient, cost effective fire risk assessment services. 

Why work with us?

You need assurance that your business is compliant, that the risk of a fire in your premises is kept to an absolute minimum.

You want peace of mind that the consultant carrying out your fire risk assessment is trustworthy, qualified and has experience in your industry.

And you want this at a reasonable cost.

ADL Associates has your back. Fully approved by the Fire Protection Association to carry out fire safety services, our qualified fire safety consultants work with clients all over the UK in a range of industries including manufacturing, hospitality, engineering, warehousing and heavy industries.

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